
Showing posts from March, 2021


    Today was ok. I had a pretty bad migraine, but I was still able to contribute and work with my group. I think we did pretty good coming up with our introduction and prompt, so there's not too much to add to it if we wanted to make any corrections. Only 2 more school days till spring break, so I just have to finish this week strong.


     Alright here's my thing, because I know I'm not crazy. I know I've heard that these "assignments" or "activities" as the teacher stated, were called " mini projects ". I guess that wasn't what he said and that's whatever, but I'm not afraid of work, love how he assumed that we're "afraid" of the work if we don't like something that we've been assigned. For me that's not the case at all, I just think it's weird we're working in groups to write an essay because when we're taking the exam, we're not collaborating with each other. That is my OPINION . Doesn't mean I'm not going to do it, the work has to get done at the end of the day. Yes, I said it'll give me less motivation. I was under a lot of stress last week and going over the project was just too much for me at the time, but I don't really mind the work we need to do that leads us to finally writing our essay. It coul

Projects Yet Again.....

      I can't wait for summer to get here. As sick as I've been these few days, this class will be the main reason I lose all motivation and not do work. Projects projects projects that's all it is now. It's so extra and I'm tired of it. This is my worst year overall with work. There's been so much given to us from each class, it's ridiculous. Yes I have great grades that I've worked so hard for, literally up all night doing all the work that's due. I've tried so hard to keep up with the work and do my best, but at this point I'm so over it. It's not easy working with others, especially when some people don't even do anything. Especially when you know the people that won't do anything. So what's even the purpose at that point? Yeah we always get the talk about what college is going to be like and we have to deal with it, but that depends on what you're going to do. Why can't we just write an essay, correct it, learn fr


      This is going to be a short post. I wasn't feeling very well today, so I wasn't able to attend the rest of my classes. I don't think there's too much I need to catch up on, but hopefully it's not complicated when I attend class on Thursday. It was nice to have a break from staring at a screen all day though.

Discussing prompts

     I wasn’t feeling good at all today, so I’m glad we had a more easy going class discussing some prompts. The first one we discussed about social media and how your employers or colleges can google you made me really think about what type of stuff we put on social media. Then GMOs and how they taste better even though they’re not good for you, compared to organic food which is good for you but it’s more expensive. I’ve always had that discussion with my parents about the type of foods we eat and what’s not good for us. Why is the organic/good stuff more expensive?

Reflection 3/19

    I'm glad there wasn't much for us to do today. Plus it's Friday, it's the end of the week and at that point I'm just ready to get out of school. My only problem with today is the direction explaining. At first it was explained one way, but when we do it wrong there's a problem. Should've been made clear the first time, we're all not mind readers. Especially when some of us are doing school virtually.

Analyzing Images

      Analyzing images in class was ok. Not my personal favorite, but it'll get better over time hopefully. I just think my mind works differently, so it's kind of hard to know what I'm analyzing. Then our project which I thought would've been worse, but it's not bad at all. I'm glad it's due Thursday next week, it gives me enough time to get my other work done over the weekend and then focus on that project.


      I love how we had a prompt, "Is  education boring". Express how we feel about it, but then get slapped in the face with future assignments. Videos, projects, etc. At this point education gives anxiety for me. I guess it could be fun, but it depends on what we're doing with it and how much time we're spending on it. Aside from that, I say I did pretty well when we had to look for evidence on our position if school is boring or not. I found 3 piece of evidence, and it was one piece of evidence for each claim I had.

Finding Evidence

            I think that taking time to find the evidence from sources today in class was very helpful. When looking at sources that are graphs; you can pull the information and make it relate to your position. To me that's the easiest simply because I'm a visual person, so it's easier for me to describe something from it. Especially when it's coming from a graph. Then we did a lot of paraphrasing which I also found helpful, because sometimes you don't want to just pull out evidence and write it word for word; which I tend to do a lot.

Reflection 3/12

       We did go over direct quotation, summarizing, and paraphrasing when it comes to a sentence essay. Me personally I prefer direct quotations because it's word for word, so it's like copy and paste. Plus it's already a piece of evidence. In situations when a direct quote is too long; that's when you have to paraphrase or summarize.

Reflection 3/11

      It makes sense to skim through given sources when it comes to writing an essay. In middle school I would always read the passages word for word, because that's what my teachers told me at the time. I think that's the main problem as to why I never have enough time to write all of my essays. To be honest I've been skimming through passages a lot with the work we have to do. So I don't think it's a problem for me anymore, but there's always room for improvement.

Apostrophes & Semicolons

      Now I have a better understanding of when to use apostrophes and semicolons. I know back in late elementary school to early middle school; those topics were always pushed under the rug and we never really went in depth how to use them properly. I'm happy to say this definitely expanded my knowledge so I can write my sentences better in the future.

Comma Lesson

      I felt pretty good about commas before, but this  definitely helped me expand my knowledge more. It became easier when we looked at examples for the 9 rules. Personally using the 9 rules to explain why you used a comma in that sense is just simply too much. It's because now I have to read through each rule to see which one is correct. Personally it's not for me. I was pretty confident, but then the assignment with the letter and the amount of stuff that has to be in the letter. I had a feeling we were going to do something extra. So know I have more work to add on with my other assignments; especially when I'm already writing an essay for another class.

Reflection for Improvement

      I know there's things I have to work on. Usually when I'm taking the exam, it's easy for me to get stuff done 1 2 3. The biggest problem I do have is writer's block and it's always been that way. Like I said yesterday, I know I'm giving that 110% so I should be good when it comes to getting better. I'll take this weekend to think and reflect on what I can improve on for next week.

The Essay

      I'm not going to lie, I did pretty bad on that essay. I did everything we went over in class, well at least I thought I did. I had horrible writer's block and I just  couldn't think of anything. I thought I was doing ok until that happened. I planned some stuff out like I was told to do. The question was just weird to me and I tried my best to find evidence for the claims I had, but the best I could do was think of one for each claim. I don't think I even explained it properly either which makes me upset. I didn't even get to write the conclusion which sucks. It's hard to not think about the grade when you know you gave it your all but the grade will reflect what was correct and what was wrong. I know I can do better but for some reason the prompts we get lately are just horrible for me because I just can't think of anything and it sucks. 

Court Evidence

      I honestly really enjoyed the court example we used in class today. It was very engaging and  definitely helpful when it comes to explaining evidence. Usually I don't have a problem with explaining evidence but this helped me improve a lot more. I hope we have more lessons and examples like that, I think it'll really help me stay focused and understand the lessons better. 

Feeling Accomplished

      Today I found class very helpful. I know at the end of the day, I'm always trying my hardest and doing the best I can. If I do make a mistake, I just learn from it and move on. So knowing I'm on the right track gives me a positive mindset for the essay we're gonna take on Thursday. I'm  actually relieved we didn't take it today because I was getting a lot of anxiety from it. I mean that always happens but at least I have more time to prepare.