The Essay

     I'm not going to lie, I did pretty bad on that essay. I did everything we went over in class, well at least I thought I did. I had horrible writer's block and I just couldn't think of anything. I thought I was doing ok until that happened. I planned some stuff out like I was told to do. The question was just weird to me and I tried my best to find evidence for the claims I had, but the best I could do was think of one for each claim. I don't think I even explained it properly either which makes me upset. I didn't even get to write the conclusion which sucks. It's hard to not think about the grade when you know you gave it your all but the grade will reflect what was correct and what was wrong. I know I can do better but for some reason the prompts we get lately are just horrible for me because I just can't think of anything and it sucks. 


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