
Showing posts from April, 2021


      Today was a nice chill day. We discussed how it went during the mock exam and how we felt. Time really does fly. The language exam is in 2 weeks and I hope to be ready by then. Even though I have to focus on my history exam first which is on Thursday, so hooray for that. I'm going to put in all my effort these next 3 weeks on the exams.

Taking The Mock Exam

      Honestly my brain was really fried after the exam yesterday. It was difficult for me to read anything else, but I did give it my all. I think what happened to me was that the essay portion was unlocked first before the multiple choice, so I ended up doing the essay part first instead of the multiple choice. The argument essay part just wasn't working out for me, but I did do a little better on the rhetorical analysis this time and the synthesis essay was pretty good for the most part I just missed a few things. Once I realized I had to the multiple choice I was a little discouraged, because of the time limit. I was trying to avoid going over the time, but the passages were so lengthy and barely made any sense in my head that I had to reread them multiple times just the answer the questions. 


      Today was a great day. I got some good news the beginning of class, so it was a little hard for me to stay focused. I did understand my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to writing a rhetorical analysis essay, so I'm going to improve on that. I actually look forward to taking the mock exam Thursday even though I'm not going to be in person. The format we got to at least pass the exam with an average score definitely encouraged me, so I do have room some mistakes, but if I'm strong with multiple choice more than the essay portion; then I'll know what I need to work on and improve before the actual exam day.


      Today I  definitely learned what I needed to improve on and other things I can use on future essays. I could've done better, but my mind gets the best of me sometimes. Especially when it comes to commentary for explaining the evidence.


      Well today I can't say I did my best on writing the intro and paragraph for the rhetorical analysis. I just think on my end I have to review some things and study to prepare myself. To be honest I was already tired from reviewing the for the exams in my other classes, so my brain was just not having it today. I did try and I did what I could, but I don't think it's satisfactory work. Hopefully next week when we get out feedback, I can see where I need to improve.


      I think I got a better understanding on rhetorical analysis, but I think my problem is finding the devices. I've always had a problem with comprehension since I was younger and I've been slowly getting better at it throughout the years, so it takes me some time to read and fully understand the  text. After doing all that there's the devices that we have to think about and it's just a lot on my mind, so I end up working slower. Rhetorical analysis is definitely not my strong area in the essay portion, but I will put in the effort to become better, so I can at least do ok when it comes to exam day. Also the 10 minute planning kind of helped, but then I felt rushed so I couldn't really comprehend and analyze what I was reading, but I was able to answer most of the questions so that's a good start.


      I think I need a little more work on Rhetorical  Analysis. Today I was a little more tired, so I wasn't very awake, but I took some helpful notes that I can look back at later. In my eyes it's a lot, but I think I just need more practice.

4/19-Synthesis Essay

    I felt like I did pretty good on this essay compared to the last one we did. I was able to get done with everything under the time limit so I felt very  accomplished about that. My main concern was that my thoughts would distract me or I'd get writer's block like last time, but to my surprise that didn't happen and I was able to gather and type everything. So hopefully get a pretty good grade on this because I put so much effort into getting the essay filled with the right material and done on time.  


      I just don't think today was the day for me comprehension wise. I'm really questioning myself after the pop quiz. I was paying attention during class and took notes on understatement, litotes, antithesis, hypophora, and rhetorical question, but something about the quiz threw me off. I read everything word for word and I took my time. I don't know if it was because there's 5 questions and 5 devices that I thought each one had to be at least one of the devices, so everything that was in my head just flew out of it. Now this is going to linger in my head for the rest of the day and possibly the weekend on how this is going to affect my grade.


      There's a lot to think about when it comes to Rhetorical Analysis. Like analyzing the different devices that's used in the passage given. The ones that'll always be there are diction, syntax, tone, logos, pathos, ethos, and figurative  language. Now today was only the introduction, so eventually I'll get better at analyzing and identifying the devices, but as of right now it's a lot to wrap around my head.


      Today was a great day. Yesterday and today have been very chill compared to the days we had before we went on spring break. It's a very nice relief even thought it probably won't stay like this for long. Other than that I really do enjoy my group. We're pretty good with getting what we need to get done and very productive, so I have full confidence we'll do great on this project. 


      Had a pretty peaceful day today. I'm still a little sad spring break is over, but it is what it is. So in class we had to fix our sources because some of them weren't a PDF we could just download. For me I know I didn't  remember what part I wanted to use from each source, but luckily it was either on the first or second page. Then I was able to figure out how to get the images individually instead of having them on a google doc like I had before. Luckily I was able to get it all done before class ended.


    Finally we're on to spring break. I'm going to use today, tomorrow, and maybe Sunday to find my sources. I realized that the emails weren't sending so I had to do them again which sucked. Also, I kinda messed up on my quiz because I always second guess myself  and choose the wrong answer. I need to work on that. Lastly was the April fools joke where we were going to do our blog everyday over the break. It honestly got me, but it was funny once it came out as a joke. I honestly didn't even realize yesterday was April fools either.


      We're starting on step 4 of our project. I personally don't want to look at my computer more than I already have to everyday, but I'm going to plan timeframes of when I'll get sources. Like maybe 2-3 sources a day since this will take more than a day to do and it's going into our spring break a little bit. I'll try to get this done as early as I can; maybe when I get bursts of energy to get some more sources so I don't have to worry about them for the rest of the break. Also I  actually don't mind the quiz we're going to take tomorrow. I think that'll be a lot easier for me than studying all the words in one night, so I look forward to taking it.