
5/21-Semester Reflection

      It's crazy how fast this school year went. I remembered just getting into this class the  beginning of the second semester and I worried how difficult it would be. It wasn't too bad, so I'm grateful for that. I know I complained a lot in these posts and when I look back at them, I feel sort of childish because the assignments weren't even that bad. Oh I also remember when we talked about our goals in the beginning for our warm ups and one of mine was to get a job for the summer. I just applied to one yesterday, so I'm one step closer to the goal. I also just remembered another goal which was to get straight A's or some A's and B's. I got all A's this semester, so I completed the goal. I'm very thankful for taking this class this semester and the opportunities that were given. Of course it couldn't have been done if it wasn't for Mr. Rease. I don't give him enough credit really, but he was an awesome teacher and really chill. I w

5/21-Last In Class Post

      My advice for the incoming AP Lang and Composition students would be do your work and ask questions. Even if you don't want to ask a question and you don't really know what you're doing, ask friend or do what you can. It's better to submit something than nothing, so you can still at least earn some credit. Also try to be in class everyday and listen because that'll definitely benefit you. Now it's also good to take a day off once in a while if you're mentally not there, but stay on top of your work so you don't fall behind and feel  overwhelmed. To me this class was an easy A to get because I did all my work and it was original. What I mean by that is not copying stuff off the internet. It's ok to look up something if you don't know it, but don't copy and paste. Other than that this'll be a nice and easygoing class as long as you do what you're supposed to do. 


      I honestly feel bad for complaining about the career project. It was much much much more easier than I thought it was going to be. I only really had a problem with finding a good picture of myself because I don't take much pictures of myself and most of the pictures that were taken of me I  didn't really like. Other than that everything else was just copy and paste. Definitely was easy and was able to get it done before class ended. Hopefully I can come back to this blog and post life updates or just reminisce of the stuff I posted. This was a hectic semester, but I had a lot of fun learning.


      Well I thought we were going to present our projects which is what I was bummed out about. Presenting virtually sucks in my opinion. Since things are more clarified I don't mind the project at all. If anything it's very helpful for looking into colleges and doing research on different majors. 


      Took my math exam today, wasn't great compared to the last exams I took. Wasn't very happy about it, but once I leave the testing site and see we have a whole project and presentation we have to do for our final. Not very happy about that either. It's only this class that we don't have a break after the exam. My other teachers are nice and understanding(not saying my ap lit teacher isn't) just giving us fun things to do and simple finals. Not a whole presentations. Yeah yeah we're still in school for 2 more weeks, so we still have to do work, but I thought we were going to do fun simple assignments. It sucks, but if it's the ticket to summer vacation then I'm going to get it done.


      I'm not a great thinker when it comes to coming up with ideas for class  improvment because to me everything is fine, and I don't have a problem with anything; I just go with the flow, but one thing for Google Classroom would be organization. I think that there should be sections in classwork for specific topics so they're easy to find if we wanted to go back and review something. For example, one section is just for argumentative essay and all the material for that would be under that section only. I know this is helpful for me, but more kahoots or quizizz to practice. Quizlet live is a good one too; all of these are like study and practice options that you can do in class or part of homework. I liked the amount of time we had for assignment where we had a few days, so I wouldn't change that. 

5/12-Exam Day

      The exam wasn't too bad at all really. I think I actually did really good on the multiple choice timing wise and  feeling confident on what was the best answer. The essay part wasn't too bad, but I ended up spending too much time on the synthesis essay. Even though that was the case, I was still able to finish the rhetorical analysis and argumentative essay. I didn't do great on rhetorical analysis because I couldn't remember much of the devices, but I pulled what I could remember. Argumentative was ok, but it could've been better now that I'm thinking about it. My hand was hurting at that point and I just wanted to be done. So I'd say synthesis was my best essay out of all 3 of them. The exam on a whole felt a little more easier than the practice we've been doing. It was a lot easier for me to read the passages and understand them which made it a lot easier for me.