5/21-Semester Reflection

     It's crazy how fast this school year went. I remembered just getting into this class the beginning of the second semester and I worried how difficult it would be. It wasn't too bad, so I'm grateful for that. I know I complained a lot in these posts and when I look back at them, I feel sort of childish because the assignments weren't even that bad. Oh I also remember when we talked about our goals in the beginning for our warm ups and one of mine was to get a job for the summer. I just applied to one yesterday, so I'm one step closer to the goal. I also just remembered another goal which was to get straight A's or some A's and B's. I got all A's this semester, so I completed the goal. I'm very thankful for taking this class this semester and the opportunities that were given. Of course it couldn't have been done if it wasn't for Mr. Rease. I don't give him enough credit really, but he was an awesome teacher and really chill. I wish things were different if it wasn't for Covid, but we were stuck to being virtual and my mom wasn't going to let me leave the house. Overall I had a great time and I learned a lot. I will continue to grow and improve and maybe I'll come back to my blog when I remember and post life updates.


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