5/12-Exam Day

     The exam wasn't too bad at all really. I think I actually did really good on the multiple choice timing wise and feeling confident on what was the best answer. The essay part wasn't too bad, but I ended up spending too much time on the synthesis essay. Even though that was the case, I was still able to finish the rhetorical analysis and argumentative essay. I didn't do great on rhetorical analysis because I couldn't remember much of the devices, but I pulled what I could remember. Argumentative was ok, but it could've been better now that I'm thinking about it. My hand was hurting at that point and I just wanted to be done. So I'd say synthesis was my best essay out of all 3 of them. The exam on a whole felt a little more easier than the practice we've been doing. It was a lot easier for me to read the passages and understand them which made it a lot easier for me. 


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