An Okay Day

     I'm just going to start off with saying that 4th period is always the class that truly messes with my emotions. Some days can be good and some days can be truly bad. I mean I don't mind what we did today but it's its so slow and it pains me, but I have to suck it up and go with it. Even though there's some things I don't agree with personally. I know what it'll help me when it's time for me to do it, so I did pay attention for the most part. Now one thing that completely dreaded me was the "easy" assignment. I don't mind reading poems. Do I understand them most of the time? No but I try my best to understand. When it comes to making one, I struggle. Personally not a big fan of this assignment considering we have to record ourselves which is so crazy to me. Other than that today could've gone better towards the end, but it is what it is.


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